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Wedding Story round 24

Posted by: Martino on August 17, 2021

Wedding reports winners of the FdB Awards contest

Wedding Story is the category of the contest that awards the best wedding stories. They are collections of 20 photographs taken during a wedding day. These reports selected by the jury represent the talent and narrative capacity of their authors. Through this category you can learn more about how each photographer uses narrative resources to tell a story in images.

1st Place WS # 24: Mireia and Sergio

Photographer Miguel Bolaños

Points: 276

2nd Place WS # 24: Laura and Andreas

Photographer Jose Ignacio Ruiz-Fotoinstantes

Points: 268

3rd Place WS # 24: Montse and Rubén

Photographer Andreu Doz Photography

Points: 265

Top WS # 24 Álvaro and Georgina

Photographer Marc Prades

Points: 263

Top WS # 24 J + H

Photographer Jiri Horak

Points: 263

Top WS # 24 Elena and Pablo

Photographer Llop-Photography

Points: 260

Top WS # 24 Maria and Antonio

Photographer Fraco Photography

Points: 256

Top WS # 24 Lidia Angel


Points: 254

Top WS # 24 Silvia and Jorge

Photographer Pedro Alvarez

Points: 254

Top WS # 24 Sandra Lolo


Points: 253

Top WS # 24 Lola and Joseluis

Photographer Fraco Photography

Points: 251

Top WS # 24 Chris and Jill

Photographer Andreu Doz Photography

Points: 250

Round 24 Judges:

Alison bounce (France)
Moana wu (China)
Huy Nguyen (USA.)

Classify Wedding Story round 24:

The category classification Wedding Story it is distinct and independent of the classification of the category of individual photographs. The story ranked first receives 4 points, second place 3 points, third place 2 points. The other awarded reports receive 1 point. Photographers add up the points received in each of the four rounds to qualify for the annual award.

Round 24 points:

Miguel Bolanos 4
Jose Ignacio Ruiz 3
Andreu Doz 3 (2 + 1)
Fraco 2 (1 + 1)
Eduardo Blanco 2 (1 + 1)
Marc Prades 1
Jiri Horak 1
Llop Photography 1
Pedro Alvarez 1

Classification Wedding Story 2021

Four rounds of the contest are held each year. The annual classification is the one established by the photographer with the most accumulated points. The photo narrator of the year will be announced at the end of this year's last round, number 25.

Andreu Doz Photography10
Jose Ignacio Ruiz-Fotoinstantes7
Marc Prades6
Miguel Bolaños6
Pedro Alvarez6
Fraco Photo6
Eduardo Blanco Photographer3
Miguel Onieva2
Roberto Montorio Photography2
Miguel Angel Muniesa1
Monsa Productions1
Jiri Horak1

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