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Photographer of the Year 2018: Miguel Bolaños

Published by: Martino on November 16, 2018



Miguel Bolaños Photographer of the Year 2018

Year after year the FdB AWARDS contest has been gaining ground. Each round is a new challenge, the judges change. The contest is a game, those who participate know that they can win or lose. But taking the risk can be worth it, it is not only the satisfaction of winning but of confronting other teammates and making yourself known on another plane. You have to have the courage to participate in a contest. This year 2018 we have the honor to announce as the winner Miguel Bolaños, Alicante wedding photographer.

Miguel has a very fun and colorful style when it comes to photographing. His photographs do not go unnoticed, on the contrary they attract our attention. It can be said that he is a master in the composition of the scene, he knows how to tell a story with humor and color. The photographs taken by Miguel Bolaños convey enthusiasm. They can be very emotional images, from excessive joy to a sad moment and he transforms it into beauty.

He is a creative photographer, he is always looking for new ways to portray couples. He is passionate about his work, each wedding for him is a new challenge that he undertakes as a game where he is the first to have a good time doing what he does. Thank you Miguel for your constant presence and availability for the FdB collective and your colleagues .



All winning photographs in 2018
Every year since 2018 we have published a book with the winning photographs in the FdB Awards contest. A book is the ideal medium to enhance the incredible images produced by the collective's photographers and selected by a high-level international jury. Book of the FdB Awards 2020/2021 This edition is made up of the winning photos for two years. A great collection of photos that...

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